Thursday, 6 March 2008

What's that on your face?

When do you finally know or accept that something is over. done. no more.

You see, more than a year-and-a-half ago a blush (yes, this whole blog is about a blush) that I had used for more than 15 years, was discontinued. Now, I understand that products eventually run their course and are replaced or discontinued, but what I don't understand is how an International Company, can claim to have a Customer Service Department, when clearly, they don't.

As soon as the blush (True Complexion, Honey Brown Luster) that I had used for many years was no longer around, I went to the Revlon website and found an email address AND phone number for their Customer Service Department. I wrote and called. I wrote and called again. And, you guessed it, I wrote and called yet again. Nothing. Not even one teeney-tiny bit of a Revlon earlobe to hear me. If it was just me being a complete idiot and not taking the right approach to connect with the Service Department, I probably could have let the whole thing go.

See, the thing is, I am a makeup artist, or I used to be (BK, "Before Kids") and I had introduced "Miss Honey Brown" to a number of people, including my Mum and Sister-in-law. Like me, the notion of not having a perfect blush for those shimmery, smooth cheeks, was enough to create a wee bit of panic in all of us. Independently, both my Mum and SIL emailed and called Revlon's Customer Service department. Guess what? already know the answer.

All of this, told and retold, still doesn't make me feel any better. Not only have I not been able to find another blush (my cupboards and drawers are full of "slightly" used but "not quite right" blushes), but I have no closure. I have not heard a human voice tell me "Sorry Miss, that product has been discontinued". Is that too much to ask?

Apparently, according to Revlon, it is.

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