Thursday 9 July 2009


Quick and to the point.

By this time each summer, my summer hair (which may have to be styled liked my very dear know who you are!) looks like a polished trombone. That's right. I have Brassy hair. I can admit it. The question is, what can I do about it that won't cost me a fortune. Well, I believe I have the answer and I am going to share.

In a bottle of your favourite shampoo (it should be neutral in colour) add a few drops of both red and blue food-colouring and mix. Add the right amount of each to make the shampoo turn into a brilliant shade of violet.

Wash your hair as you normally would but leave the shampoo on for a little bit longer before rinsing. Voila (no, not violet) brass is gone. really.

1 comment:

Classic Lustre said...

Cool idea! I'd never have thought of that!