Monday 4 May 2009

Trousers, trousers everywhere

My new life (day 15), with my new job (11th working day done today) is so very different from the life that I knew that I sometimes stop and actually have to think about who I am. And then I remember, I am now "Trouser Lady"

You see, for the last 10 years, working in a lovely little creative nest, nestled deeply onto the coast of West Vancouver, I have been locked away. Completely and utterly disconnected to "DOWNTOWN". Today, I am in the city center and I work in a building that houses some of the giants of DOWNTOWN (Vancouver Sun, The Province, Electronic Arts blah, blah, blah). It is as foreign to me as you can imagine and the biggest and most apparent change for me is that I now have to think very carefully about what I am going to wear each day. It is a curse.

I no longer have the option of throwing on my comfy and trendy skinny jeans or my casual olive denims. I have to wear trousers. Or skirts. And shoes that go with trousers and skirts. Oh how I long for my flip-flops.

Despite the fact that I have to go out and spend a fortune on new "trousers" there are some good things about working downtown. I am still discovering all of the unique and interesting little stores and cafes in Gastown. The seawall beckons me when it is sunny and warm. The harbour planes and cruise ships are constantly coming and going and the people are humming about with things to do, people to talk with, messages to send, ideas to twitter about. It is hard not to get caught up in all of the energy.

So, if I can get over my issue with trousers and the fact that I now have to share my morning commute with all the other people riding the skytrain (ok - this is another thing I have a hard time with. Since I was born with some kind of crazy sense of smell, the proximity of people on the skytrain (nose to back or worse) is really concerning. There are so many "sniffs" assaulting my poor nose on the train that I might have to take my friends advice and put two discreetly placed globs of Vicks under my nostrils each morning. Seriously.

Ok, so, this is a completely disjointed, rambling entry but I am tired and just really wanted to write something so that I don't feel that I am giving up on everything! (I have not done my on-line homework in over a week...I suck).


Jules said...

I too am cursed (sometimes blessed) with hyperactive sniffiness. My husband is my polar opposite in this one. You can do what they used to do back in victorian times... dab some of your fave perfume (I recommend using essential oils, but I am a greener keener) onto a handkerchief or two, and stick it in the pocket of your fabulous new trousers. Then, when that stinky guy gets on the train and sits next to the woman who so obviously takes garlic pills, you can just pull it out, and have a little inhale of something yummy. Or Bike. Dean has started biking downtown, and thinks it is about the coolest thing EVER. LOL! CHeers!

Susan Kent Baker said...

It's all my fault that you have that ultra-sensitive nose my dearest daughter! Mine is as bad, or worse (if that is the correct way to describe a fully-functioning sense). I sometimes wish that I could not smell things as well as I do, but then I would miss the heart-stopping scents of cut grass, woodsmoke in the autumn, bluebells in spring, a baby's skin, a new book, garlic and olive oil heating on the stove.......
Maybe as Jules said - take a perfumed handkerchief or cotton ball with you in your pocket and feel blessed as you walk at lunchtime and smell the sea and the spring blossoms and fresh air!
Love you!

Classic Lustre said...

People stink. No doubt about it. A few drops of rose or lavender essential oil ((Or maybe some of the girls' lotions or something that smells wonderfully like them...) on a handkerchief, which you clutch delicately to your feminine schnozz should do the trick.

As for the trousers - this is an opportunity to rock the career chic! I'll share with you my anal-retentive uniform kept me semi-sane at McK.